野兽童党2_少年枪党是由刘孝伟 Kenneth Hau Wai Lau执导,李修贤 Danny Lee,罗兰 Lan Law,吴志雄 Chi Hung Ng主演的一部动作片。主要讲述了:江(杜大伟)与琛(吴奕龙)、雄(吴华新)三个屋村少年,自幼一起长大,情同手足,雄更暗恋江的妹妹SUE(骆乐),经常借意亲近。红预科毕业以后一直找不到工作,为了养家,终委身随雄到发型屋任洗头仔,后来
Navy Ode: They have no grave but the cruel sea, No flowers lay at their head, A rusting hulk is their tombstone, Afast on the ocean bed. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.