错爱1987是由李鼎伦执导,张兆辉,关礼杰,周海媚主演的一部港剧。主要讲述了:一个动荡岁月中的爱情故事,阵容鼎盛,由李鼎伦监制,以三兄弟的手足情为经,以一段波折重重、可歌可泣的爱情为纬,编织成一个荡气回肠的动人故事! 故事发生于20年代的上海,龚启光学成归国,在船上勇救富
In addition to its geographical component, home is a spiritual possession that people feel attached, or sometimes entitled to. With a nostalgic mixture, this film captures the complexity of feelings to the notion of home, and eventually, unveils the modern syndrome of gentrification and the dynamics between city and human existence